- Students often get confused about multiple references to the same object, but a physical model helps clear up those misconceptions.
- To create a physical model you’ll need to have a few props.
- Object Props: use something like a stuffed animal to represent an object
- Java Memory Reference Props: use something like cereal boxes to represent memory references.
- You’ll need to print out Java memory diagrams and place them on the cereal boxes.
- Having physical props allows you to point towards an object in order to show students how references work.
- Using the props described above, position the top of the cereal box such that it points towards the object.
- In the image below Colleen is pointing a Dog and an Animal Java memory reference (the cereal props) at an object (the dog stuffed animal prop).
- To see this demonstration in action, check out this CS Education Zoo video with our very own Colleen Lewis!