Watch Computer Science-related TED talks with your class to stimulate interest in the course. Share Watch Computer Science-related TED talks with your class to stimulate interest in the course. with FacebookShare Watch Computer Science-related TED talks with your class to stimulate interest in the course. with Twitter
In anticipation of a relatively large project, assign smaller projects that include the programming concepts necessary for the large project. Share In anticipation of a relatively large project, assign smaller projects that include the programming concepts necessary for the large project. with FacebookShare In anticipation of a relatively large project, assign smaller projects that include the programming concepts necessary for the large project. with Twitter
Use these 5 strategies to give students useful debugging strategies that will help them fix Segmentation Faults. Share Use these 5 strategies to give students useful debugging strategies that will help them fix Segmentation Faults. with FacebookShare Use these 5 strategies to give students useful debugging strategies that will help them fix Segmentation Faults. with Twitter
When teaching null dereferences, show a call that dereferences a null pointer in a debugger to give students a snapshot of what is happening. Share When teaching null dereferences, show a call that dereferences a null pointer in a debugger to give students a snapshot of what is happening. with FacebookShare When teaching null dereferences, show a call that dereferences a null pointer in a debugger to give students a snapshot of what is happening. with Twitter
Have the class make instructions for a Robot class you created that will bring Chipotle back to the classroom to motivate instructions and method sequencing. Share Have the class make instructions for a Robot class you created that will bring Chipotle back to the classroom to motivate instructions and method sequencing. with FacebookShare Have the class make instructions for a Robot class you created that will bring Chipotle back to the classroom to motivate instructions and method sequencing. with Twitter
Include a lot of visual examples in intro classes to help students learn by giving concrete visualizations of new, abstract concepts. Share Include a lot of visual examples in intro classes to help students learn by giving concrete visualizations of new, abstract concepts. with FacebookShare Include a lot of visual examples in intro classes to help students learn by giving concrete visualizations of new, abstract concepts. with Twitter
Have all functions return something in an intro course to help students understand that functions have a start and an end, even though they are always returning. Share Have all functions return something in an intro course to help students understand that functions have a start and an end, even though they are always returning. with FacebookShare Have all functions return something in an intro course to help students understand that functions have a start and an end, even though they are always returning. with Twitter
Make screen-recordings of the gradings you do by hand so your students can see how you break their code and then learn from your experienced analysis. Share Make screen-recordings of the gradings you do by hand so your students can see how you break their code and then learn from your experienced analysis. with FacebookShare Make screen-recordings of the gradings you do by hand so your students can see how you break their code and then learn from your experienced analysis. with Twitter
Create a word counter assignment to help students understand the importance of Big-O. Share Create a word counter assignment to help students understand the importance of Big-O. with FacebookShare Create a word counter assignment to help students understand the importance of Big-O. with Twitter
Organize your curriculum so that topics introduced at the beginning of the class get covered in assignments during the later part of the course to reinforce material. Share Organize your curriculum so that topics introduced at the beginning of the class get covered in assignments during the later part of the course to reinforce material. with FacebookShare Organize your curriculum so that topics introduced at the beginning of the class get covered in assignments during the later part of the course to reinforce material. with Twitter
Misconception: With conditionals, students may try to compare the memory address of a function to a number, like x < foo, when they intended to compare x with the return value of foo. Share Misconception: With conditionals, students may try to compare the memory address of a function to a number, like x < foo, when they intended to compare x with the return value of foo. with FacebookShare Misconception: With conditionals, students may try to compare the memory address of a function to a number, like x < foo, when they intended to compare x with the return value of foo. with Twitter
Arrange your curriculum so that your students are doing hands-on work as fast as possible to ensure you retain as many students as possible and keep them engaged. Share Arrange your curriculum so that your students are doing hands-on work as fast as possible to ensure you retain as many students as possible and keep them engaged. with FacebookShare Arrange your curriculum so that your students are doing hands-on work as fast as possible to ensure you retain as many students as possible and keep them engaged. with Twitter
Use Easter eggs and a seed sorter to teach arrays of objects because students find arrays of objects hard and need the additional scaffolding. Share Use Easter eggs and a seed sorter to teach arrays of objects because students find arrays of objects hard and need the additional scaffolding. with FacebookShare Use Easter eggs and a seed sorter to teach arrays of objects because students find arrays of objects hard and need the additional scaffolding. with Twitter
Incentivize good behavior for Effort, Participation, and Altruism by awarding a small number of points at the end of the course in order (enough points to bump students up a half a grade) to maintain an good classroom environment. Share Incentivize good behavior for Effort, Participation, and Altruism by awarding a small number of points at the end of the course in order (enough points to bump students up a half a grade) to maintain an good classroom environment. with FacebookShare Incentivize good behavior for Effort, Participation, and Altruism by awarding a small number of points at the end of the course in order (enough points to bump students up a half a grade) to maintain an good classroom environment. with Twitter
Spend extra time teaching Big O in intro classes that use Python because the underlying implementation of Python lists is a mystery to students that leads students to believe many operations are constant, O(1), that are not. Share Spend extra time teaching Big O in intro classes that use Python because the underlying implementation of Python lists is a mystery to students that leads students to believe many operations are constant, O(1), that are not. with FacebookShare Spend extra time teaching Big O in intro classes that use Python because the underlying implementation of Python lists is a mystery to students that leads students to believe many operations are constant, O(1), that are not. with Twitter
Use examples of actions, like accelerating a car, to introduce functions. Share Use examples of actions, like accelerating a car, to introduce functions. with FacebookShare Use examples of actions, like accelerating a car, to introduce functions. with Twitter
When teaching objects avoid gender-stereotyped objects Share When teaching objects avoid gender-stereotyped objects with FacebookShare When teaching objects avoid gender-stereotyped objects with Twitter
Encourage students to learn how to read regular expressions to prepare for when they come across them in their careers. Share Encourage students to learn how to read regular expressions to prepare for when they come across them in their careers. with FacebookShare Encourage students to learn how to read regular expressions to prepare for when they come across them in their careers. with Twitter
Begin your PHP course with echo to get students excited about PHP. Share Begin your PHP course with echo to get students excited about PHP. with FacebookShare Begin your PHP course with echo to get students excited about PHP. with Twitter
When students are downloading software to set up local development environments, like MAMP, explain clearly why these tools are necessary to prevent unnecessary struggle during class. Share When students are downloading software to set up local development environments, like MAMP, explain clearly why these tools are necessary to prevent unnecessary struggle during class. with FacebookShare When students are downloading software to set up local development environments, like MAMP, explain clearly why these tools are necessary to prevent unnecessary struggle during class. with Twitter