Fold paper to demonstrate the effects of different complexities, (i.e., O(n)) using a physical analog to help students strengthen their understanding of this abstract topics.

  • Activity:

    • Split students into small groups.

    • Provide 3 identical sheets of paper to each group.

    • Give each student group a number from 2–8.

    • Instruct student groups to fold each piece of paper according to their assigned number using the the following instructions.

      • Folding the Papers:

        • Sheet 1: Accordion fold one less time than the number the group was assigned, n – 1.
          Using an accordion fold to demonstrate complexity(ref)

        • Sheet 2: Accordion fold one less time than the number the group was assigned, n – 1. Then, again, accordion fold the result one less time than the number the group was assigned, n – 1.

        • Sheet 3: Repeatedly fold in half n times.
          Using a mountain-fold to demonstrate complexity(ref)

      • Unfold and count the resulting rectangles created by the folds. Record the results in a table like the one below.

        • No folds independent of input: O(1), constant time

        • Sheet 1: Folding linearly with input: O(n)

        • Sheet 2: Folding polynomially with input: O(n²)

        • Sheet 3: Folding exponentially with input: O(2ⁿ)

n 2ⁿ
1 1 2
2 4 4
3 9 8
4 16 16
5 25 32
6 36 64
7 49 128

  • Discuss the results.

    • Why do the folding instructions correspond to the complexities in the table?

    • If the paper folding continued to larger numbers of n, how would the results scale?

    • Compare the different thicknesses of the resulting folded sheets.

      • A common claim is that Sheet 3 cannot be folded more than 7 times. Why?

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External Source

Tip-A-Thon with Bradley Beth.