Example: "There are more men in science than women because…"
Using this language emphasizes that womanhood and manhood are socially defined.
Womanhood has different meanings in different parts of the world and in different historical periods.
One can be a woman and like things that are considered manly without being any less womanly.
What it means to be a woman, a man or neither is not biological.
Especially when talking about statistics, try to avoid using male and female (e.g., "women are more likely…" or "39% of women agree…" or "the class is 30% women")
Additionally, for more inclusive, gender-neutral language, replace boys and girls, or guys, with folks when addressing a group (e.g., say "ok folks" instead of "ok guys" when speaking to an audience).
- Be sure to avoid saying or referring to "both" genders, because there are more than two genders.