- Pique students’ interest in encoding information by drawing a seven segment representation of an 8, the digital 8, on the board.
- The digital 8 is the 8 on a digital alarm clock, a digital kitchen timer, and so much more.
- This activity has students fill out a table signifying which segments of the seven segment display will be on to represent a number 0 to 9.
- Activity:
- Name each segment of the seven segment display with a letter from the alphabet, a to g.
- Create a 7x10 table.
- Label each column with a letter, a to g, and each row with a number 0 to 9.
- Have students fill out the table with 1s and 0s representing when a segment is on or off.
- 1 is on and 0 is off.
- If a student is having trouble, tell them to fill in the segments that should be on with 1s first and then put 0s everywhere else.
- Let students know that they now understand the fundamentals of boolean algebra.