Anticipation guides provide students with succinct points about the material that they are about to cover that are either true or false.
These guides are particularly effective for text-based lessons, such as if you having students read out of a textbook or some other document
To create an anticipation guide:
Pick 4 to 8 salient concepts from the text or upcoming lesson.
Formulate statements about each of these concepts, some true and some false.
List these statements on the left side of table with multiple columns (look up anticipations guides to find a format that best suits your needs).
Each statement will have it’s own row.
Before students read the text or hear the lesson, have them decide whether they think each statement is true or false.
You may want to have students write down their pre-lesson answers.
After they finish the lesson, have students reassess which statements in the anticipation guide are true and false, noting evidence from the text.
Students will write down their answers, and evidence in the appropriate columns.
Consult this guide from the University of North Texas for best practicies on Anticipation guides: http://cte.unt.edu/content/files/_IT/IT_BestPractices/AntGuide/AntGuide_best_pract_all.pdf