Have students use Python’s Turtle graphics to draw fractals using a Lindenmayer system, instead of recursion, to give students experience with string manipulation. Share Have students use Python’s Turtle graphics to draw fractals using a Lindenmayer system, instead of recursion, to give students experience with string manipulation. with FacebookShare Have students use Python’s Turtle graphics to draw fractals using a Lindenmayer system, instead of recursion, to give students experience with string manipulation. with Twitter
Have students implement a web-based driving game in JavaScript to pick up classmates, who appear as 2D avatars, within Google Earth and drop them off at their homes to show students that arrays and objects are applicable to real-world problems. Share Have students implement a web-based driving game in JavaScript to pick up classmates, who appear as 2D avatars, within Google Earth and drop them off at their homes to show students that arrays and objects are applicable to real-world problems. with FacebookShare Have students implement a web-based driving game in JavaScript to pick up classmates, who appear as 2D avatars, within Google Earth and drop them off at their homes to show students that arrays and objects are applicable to real-world problems. with Twitter
Have students design a program in Python that performs various sound-processing tasks to give them a fun way to practice using variables, assignments, if-statements, and functions. Share Have students design a program in Python that performs various sound-processing tasks to give them a fun way to practice using variables, assignments, if-statements, and functions. with FacebookShare Have students design a program in Python that performs various sound-processing tasks to give them a fun way to practice using variables, assignments, if-statements, and functions. with Twitter
Have students write out test cases and their prediction for what their code will do in class before running it to teach them the practice of analyzing their code first. Share Have students write out test cases and their prediction for what their code will do in class before running it to teach them the practice of analyzing their code first. with FacebookShare Have students write out test cases and their prediction for what their code will do in class before running it to teach them the practice of analyzing their code first. with Twitter
Use programming spreadsheet functions as an introduction to programming to give students a simple but powerful mechanism for writing basic programs. Share Use programming spreadsheet functions as an introduction to programming to give students a simple but powerful mechanism for writing basic programs. with FacebookShare Use programming spreadsheet functions as an introduction to programming to give students a simple but powerful mechanism for writing basic programs. with Twitter
Emphasize the importance of documentation when working with spreadsheets or any programming language for future reference. Share Emphasize the importance of documentation when working with spreadsheets or any programming language for future reference. with FacebookShare Emphasize the importance of documentation when working with spreadsheets or any programming language for future reference. with Twitter
Have students use spreadsheets to analyze a dataset of their choice in order to provide an interesting and relevant context for developing their spreadsheet skills. Share Have students use spreadsheets to analyze a dataset of their choice in order to provide an interesting and relevant context for developing their spreadsheet skills. with FacebookShare Have students use spreadsheets to analyze a dataset of their choice in order to provide an interesting and relevant context for developing their spreadsheet skills. with Twitter
Make note of how students solve their own problems to identify successful problem-solving strategies. Share Make note of how students solve their own problems to identify successful problem-solving strategies. with FacebookShare Make note of how students solve their own problems to identify successful problem-solving strategies. with Twitter
Have students write a genetic algorithm in Java to solve instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem so that they can practice object-oriented programming and responsibility-driven design. Share Have students write a genetic algorithm in Java to solve instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem so that they can practice object-oriented programming and responsibility-driven design. with FacebookShare Have students write a genetic algorithm in Java to solve instances of the Traveling Salesman Problem so that they can practice object-oriented programming and responsibility-driven design. with Twitter
Have students design a Java program that detects plagiarism within a set of documents so that they gain practice designing and applying data structures in a relevant context. Share Have students design a Java program that detects plagiarism within a set of documents so that they gain practice designing and applying data structures in a relevant context. with FacebookShare Have students design a Java program that detects plagiarism within a set of documents so that they gain practice designing and applying data structures in a relevant context. with Twitter
When students are learning HTML and CSS, have them make personal websites featuring their resumés and hobbies or websites about another topic they find meaningful. Share When students are learning HTML and CSS, have them make personal websites featuring their resumés and hobbies or websites about another topic they find meaningful. with FacebookShare When students are learning HTML and CSS, have them make personal websites featuring their resumés and hobbies or websites about another topic they find meaningful. with Twitter
Design class activities that incorporate a student's local knowledge with specific computer science content and practices to enable engagement in deep learning. Share Design class activities that incorporate a student's local knowledge with specific computer science content and practices to enable engagement in deep learning. with FacebookShare Design class activities that incorporate a student's local knowledge with specific computer science content and practices to enable engagement in deep learning. with Twitter
Have students implement a rotating substitution cipher in Java that encrypts and decrypts strings in an assignment that gives them practice manipulating strings in a real-world context. Share Have students implement a rotating substitution cipher in Java that encrypts and decrypts strings in an assignment that gives them practice manipulating strings in a real-world context. with FacebookShare Have students implement a rotating substitution cipher in Java that encrypts and decrypts strings in an assignment that gives them practice manipulating strings in a real-world context. with Twitter
Have students create a program in Python that draws a map of the stars in order to gain practice using dictionaries to manipulate real data. Share Have students create a program in Python that draws a map of the stars in order to gain practice using dictionaries to manipulate real data. with FacebookShare Have students create a program in Python that draws a map of the stars in order to gain practice using dictionaries to manipulate real data. with Twitter
As a final project, have students create a generic side-scrolling game in Java so they can creatively showcase their object-oriented programming abilities. Share As a final project, have students create a generic side-scrolling game in Java so they can creatively showcase their object-oriented programming abilities. with FacebookShare As a final project, have students create a generic side-scrolling game in Java so they can creatively showcase their object-oriented programming abilities. with Twitter
Have students implement simple filters on sound objects so they can parse strings of notes into recognizable melodies to get practice manipulating strings. Share Have students implement simple filters on sound objects so they can parse strings of notes into recognizable melodies to get practice manipulating strings. with FacebookShare Have students implement simple filters on sound objects so they can parse strings of notes into recognizable melodies to get practice manipulating strings. with Twitter
Have students write a game of Hangman in Python in which the computer cheats by changing its secret word to give students practice using dictionaries. Share Have students write a game of Hangman in Python in which the computer cheats by changing its secret word to give students practice using dictionaries. with FacebookShare Have students write a game of Hangman in Python in which the computer cheats by changing its secret word to give students practice using dictionaries. with Twitter
Keep records of students’ work to be able to modify things that prove less successful. Share Keep records of students’ work to be able to modify things that prove less successful. with FacebookShare Keep records of students’ work to be able to modify things that prove less successful. with Twitter
Misconception: Students think you can use the “item (any) of (list)” block in Snap! and Scratch to check for every item in a list, but this block actually returns a random item. Share Misconception: Students think you can use the “item (any) of (list)” block in Snap! and Scratch to check for every item in a list, but this block actually returns a random item. with FacebookShare Misconception: Students think you can use the “item (any) of (list)” block in Snap! and Scratch to check for every item in a list, but this block actually returns a random item. with Twitter
Use Dixie cups with numbers written on the bottom to demonstrate sorting arrays and heap operations in a tangible, physical way. Share Use Dixie cups with numbers written on the bottom to demonstrate sorting arrays and heap operations in a tangible, physical way. with FacebookShare Use Dixie cups with numbers written on the bottom to demonstrate sorting arrays and heap operations in a tangible, physical way. with Twitter