Misconception: Students frequently forget to add delimiters when writing HTML and CSS code, this error is called unclosed pairs. Share Misconception: Students frequently forget to add delimiters when writing HTML and CSS code, this error is called unclosed pairs. with FacebookShare Misconception: Students frequently forget to add delimiters when writing HTML and CSS code, this error is called unclosed pairs. with Twitter
Misconception: Students frequently mix up CSS and HTML syntax when first learning web development. Share Misconception: Students frequently mix up CSS and HTML syntax when first learning web development. with FacebookShare Misconception: Students frequently mix up CSS and HTML syntax when first learning web development. with Twitter
Misconception: Students may write code in HTML and CSS that contains many errors yet still renders correctly, leaving them with faulty understandings of concepts and acceptable code. Share Misconception: Students may write code in HTML and CSS that contains many errors yet still renders correctly, leaving them with faulty understandings of concepts and acceptable code. with FacebookShare Misconception: Students may write code in HTML and CSS that contains many errors yet still renders correctly, leaving them with faulty understandings of concepts and acceptable code. with Twitter
Misconception: Novice students struggle with understanding and correctly using CSS selectors in advanced and complex ways, particularly with selector specificity. Share Misconception: Novice students struggle with understanding and correctly using CSS selectors in advanced and complex ways, particularly with selector specificity. with FacebookShare Misconception: Novice students struggle with understanding and correctly using CSS selectors in advanced and complex ways, particularly with selector specificity. with Twitter
Misconception: novices struggle with correct syntax for inline CSS when learning web development. Share Misconception: novices struggle with correct syntax for inline CSS when learning web development. with FacebookShare Misconception: novices struggle with correct syntax for inline CSS when learning web development. with Twitter
Use the w3schools.com online HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorials to teach students web development through concrete examples rather than abstract definitions. Share Use the w3schools.com online HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorials to teach students web development through concrete examples rather than abstract definitions. with FacebookShare Use the w3schools.com online HTML, CSS, and JavaScript tutorials to teach students web development through concrete examples rather than abstract definitions. with Twitter
When creating websites, many misconceptions students have arise from not fully understanding CSS, Cascading Style Sheets. Share When creating websites, many misconceptions students have arise from not fully understanding CSS, Cascading Style Sheets. with FacebookShare When creating websites, many misconceptions students have arise from not fully understanding CSS, Cascading Style Sheets. with Twitter
Use CodePen and jsFiddle to teach web development. Share Use CodePen and jsFiddle to teach web development. with FacebookShare Use CodePen and jsFiddle to teach web development. with Twitter
Misconception: Students frequently forget to close tags or other paired constructs when writing HTML and CSS code, this error is called unclosed pairs. To help prevent this, have students write both open and close HTML tags before adding content. Share Misconception: Students frequently forget to close tags or other paired constructs when writing HTML and CSS code, this error is called unclosed pairs. To help prevent this, have students write both open and close HTML tags before adding content. with FacebookShare Misconception: Students frequently forget to close tags or other paired constructs when writing HTML and CSS code, this error is called unclosed pairs. To help prevent this, have students write both open and close HTML tags before adding content. with Twitter
Remind students to clear elements after using float so that extra elements don’t try to float as well when teaching CSS. Share Remind students to clear elements after using float so that extra elements don’t try to float as well when teaching CSS. with FacebookShare Remind students to clear elements after using float so that extra elements don’t try to float as well when teaching CSS. with Twitter
Provide students with the following document to help them remember important HTML and CSS facts; print it on cardstock to help them understand how important it is to keep around. Share Provide students with the following document to help them remember important HTML and CSS facts; print it on cardstock to help them understand how important it is to keep around. with FacebookShare Provide students with the following document to help them remember important HTML and CSS facts; print it on cardstock to help them understand how important it is to keep around. with Twitter
Compare adding padding to elements in CSS to adding fillings to a sandwich; it actually increases the total width. Share Compare adding padding to elements in CSS to adding fillings to a sandwich; it actually increases the total width. with FacebookShare Compare adding padding to elements in CSS to adding fillings to a sandwich; it actually increases the total width. with Twitter
Use this analogy to help students understand float and clear in CSS. Share Use this analogy to help students understand float and clear in CSS. with FacebookShare Use this analogy to help students understand float and clear in CSS. with Twitter
Have students use Chrome or Firefox when teaching web development because these browsers contain the useful tools for development. Share Have students use Chrome or Firefox when teaching web development because these browsers contain the useful tools for development. with FacebookShare Have students use Chrome or Firefox when teaching web development because these browsers contain the useful tools for development. with Twitter
Emphasize to students that in CSS id is typically more specific than class, as beginners often struggle to disambiguate these attributes. Share Emphasize to students that in CSS id is typically more specific than class, as beginners often struggle to disambiguate these attributes. with FacebookShare Emphasize to students that in CSS id is typically more specific than class, as beginners often struggle to disambiguate these attributes. with Twitter